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๐ŸŽฏ Command Related API

The following APIs provide interfaces for registering and listening to custom commands in the game:

Execute a Background Command


  • Parameters:
    • cmd : String
      The command to be executed.
  • Return value: Whether the execution was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean


mc.runcmd("say Hello!");


mc.runcmd("say Hello!")

Execute a Background Command (Enhanced Version)


  • Parameters:

    • cmd : String
      The command to be executed.
    • Return value: Command Execution Result Object
    • Return value type: Object<Boolean,String>

    • For a returned execution result object res, there are the following members:

Members Meaning Data Type
res.success Whether the execution was successful. Boolean
res.output The output result after BDS executes the command. String


The implementation of runcmdEx is very different from ordinary runcmd. The Enhanced version has a hidden execution mechanism, and the execution result will not be output to the console. Therefore, if necessary, you must manually use the log function to output the result.


var result = mc.runcmdEx("say Hello!");

Command Registration API

An interface for registering custom commands is provided here. By docking with the built-in command system of BDS, the commands you register can be used by players, consoles, command blocks, NPCs and other objects that can execute commands in games. In addon, you can also use the commands registered here.


Except for variable parameters (String, RawText, Message, etc.), the commands cannot contain non-English lowercase letters!

Register a Top-Level Command


  • Parameters:

    • cmd : String
      The command that will be registered.
    • description : String
      The description text for the command.
    • permission : PermType
      (Optional parameter)
    Execution Permission Meaning
    PermType.Any Anyone can execute the command.
    PermType.GameMasters Only the OP can execute the command.(Default value)
    PermType.Console Only the console can execute the command.
    • flag : Integer
      (Optional parameter) Default value is 0x80
      At present, you can directly press this input, and related modifications will be made in the future.
    • alias : String
      (Optional argument) Add an alias for the command. Multiple aliases can be set for a command, which is equivalent to triggering the same command when executed.
    • Return value: Command Object.
    • Return value type: Command


Top-level commands, i.e. something like list gamerule, the first input after the / character.

Text Only
After registering the top-level command, this function returns a command object. Next, the function expansion of this command needs to be carried out in this command object.

Command Object - Function

Through the command object, you can register various forms and functions for this command. Suppose there is a Command. The command object has the following member functions.

Set Command Alias


  • Parameters:
    • alias : String
      Command alias.
  • Return value: Whether creating the alias succeeded or not.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Add Command Enumerations


  • Parameters:
    • name : String
      Enumeration name, used to distinguish the enumeration when setting parameters.
    • values : Array<String>
      Valid values โ€‹โ€‹for enumeration.
  • Return value: New enumeration option identification name.
  • Return value type: String

Add a Required Parameter


  • Parameters:
    • name : String
      Parameter name, used to identify the parameter when executing the command.
    • type : ParamType
      Command parameter type.
    • enumName : String
      Enumeration name (only valid when ParamType is Enum, used to distinguish enumeration options).
    • identifier : String
      Parameter identifier, used to uniquely identify parameters in special cases, generally can be replaced by enumName or name.
    • enumOptions : Integer
      Parameter options, set to 1 to expand enumeration options in the command prompt.
      For example <action : TagChangeAction> will become <add|remove>.
  • Return value: Whether setting succeeded or not.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Add an Optional Parameter


  • Parameters:
    • name : String
      Parameter name, used to identify the parameter when executing the command.
    • type : ParamType
      Command parameter type.
    • enumName : String
      Enumeration name (only valid when ParamType is Enum, used to distinguish enumeration options).
    • identifier : String
      Parameter identifier, used to uniquely identify parameters in special cases, generally can be replaced by enumName or name.
    • enumOptions : Integer
      Parameter options, set to 1 to expand enumeration options in the command prompt.
      For example <action : TagChangeAction> will become <add|remove>.
  • Return value: Whether setting succeeded or not.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Valid Command Parameter Types and Explanations

Command Parameter Type Meaning
ParamType.Bool Boolean Parameter
ParamType.Int Integer Parameter
ParamType.Float Floating point Parameter
ParamType.String String Parameter
ParamType.Actor Entity Target Selector Parameter
ParamType.Player Player Target Selector Parameter
ParamType.BlockPos Integer Coordinate Parameters
ParamType.Vec3 Floating Point Coordinate Parameter
ParamType.RawText Raw String Arguments (May contain special characters like comma spaces, Can only be used as the last parameter)
ParamType.Message Message Type Parameter (Same as /Say Command Parameter, Will Automatically Expand the Target Selector, Etc.)
ParamType.JsonValue JSON string parameter
ParamType.Item Item Type Parameter
ParamType.Block Block Type Parameter
ParamType.Effect Effect Type Parameter
ParamType.Enum Enum Parameter
ParamType.SoftEnum Variable Enum Parameter
ParamType.ActorType Entity Type Parameter
ParamType.Command Command Name Parameter (For Testing Only)

Add a New Command Overload


  • Parameters:
    • params : Array<String>
      Parameter identifier, parameter list used by overloading, available parameter identifier, enumeration name, parameter name. Note that you cannot use identifiers that cannot distinguish specific parameters. For example, both parameters are called action but the enumeration options are different. In this case, the enumeration name should be used instead of the parameter name.
  • Return value: Whether setting succeeded or not.
  • Return value type: Boolean


Command overloading is the method used by BDS to distinguish different command forms, and each different command form corresponds to a command overloading. As you can see, the parameter names provided in the command overload form a new command form.

Set Command Callback


  • Parameters:
    • callback : Function(cmd,origin,output,results)
      When the registered command is executed, the interface automatically calls the callback function.
  • Return value: Whether setting succeeded or not.
  • Return value type: Boolean


The parameters of the command callback function are relatively complex, which will be explained in detail below.

Installation Instructions

After all the configuration of the command is completed, use this function to register the command to the BDS command system.


  • Return value: Whether the installation was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Command Callback Function

The command callback function mentioned above is a relatively complex callback function, and some explanations of the parameters are given below. Command callback function prototype: Function(cmd,origin,output,results)

Parameters cmd : Own Command Object

This parameter gives the directive object with which you registered this command.

Parameters origin : The Executor of the Command

The parameter origin is of type CommandOrigin object. This object represents the executor of this command. Through this object, some operations can be performed on the executor. For a particular CommandOrigin object ori, there are the following properties:

Members Meaning Data Types
ori.type Command Execution Body Type OriginType The name of the command execution body String
ori.pos The coordinates of the command exection body FloatPos
ori.blockPos The block coordinates of the command execution body IntPos
ori.entity The entity that executes the command (may be Null) Entity
ori.player The player who executed the command (may be Null) Player

Parameter output : Output the Execution Result of the Command to the Command Executor

Parameter output is of type CommandOutput object. Through this object, the execution result of the command can be output to the command executor. For a particular CommandOutput object outp, the following member methods are available:

Output a Success Message

outp.success([msg][, parm])

  • Parameters:
    • msg : String
      The message to output.
    • parm : Array Parameters to be replaced
  • Return value: Whether the output is successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean
Output an Error Message

outp.error(msg[, parm])

  • Parameters:
    • msg : String
      The message to output.
    • parm : Array Parameters to be replaced
  • Return value: Whether the output is successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean
Output a General Message

outp.addMessage(msg[, parm])

  • Parameters:
    • msg : String
      The message to output.
    • parm : Array Parameters to be replaced
  • Return value: Whether the output is successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Parameter result : The Result Obtained by Each Parameter of the Command

The content of results is object<command parameter name-data value> key-value pair. The command parameter name is the name value of the parameter set when the command is registered, and the data value is the content filled in by the executor in the position of the current command parameter.

The relationship between command parameter types and data value types is as follows:

Command Parameter Type Data Value Type Meaning
ParamType.Bool Boolean Boolean Value
ParamType.Int Integer Integer Value
ParamType.Float Float Floating Point Value
ParamType.String String String
ParamType.Actor Array<Actor> The entity selected by the entity target selector
ParamType.Player Array<Player> The entity selected by the player's target selector
ParamType.BlockPos IntPos Integer Coordinate Object
ParamType.Vec3 FloatPos Floating Point Coordinate Object
ParamType.RawText String Raw String Arguments (May contain special characters like comma spaces, Can only be used as the last parameter)
ParamType.Message String Message Type String (same as /say command parameters, will automatically expand target selectors, etc.)
ParamType.JsonValue String JSON String
ParamType.Item Item Item Type
ParamType.Block Block Block Type
ParamType.Effect String Effect Type String
ParamType.Enum String Enumerated String
ParamType.SoftEnum String Mutable Enumerated String
ParamType.ActorType String Entity Type String
ParamType.Command String Command Name (For testing only)

Command Registration Example


mc.listen("onServerStarted", () => {
    let cmd = mc.newCommand("manager", "Command Description", PermType.GameMasters);
    cmd.setEnum("ChangeAction", ["add", "remove"]);
    cmd.setEnum("ListAction", ["list"]);
    cmd.mandatory("action", ParamType.Enum, "ChangeAction", 1);
    cmd.mandatory("action", ParamType.Enum, "ListAction", 1);
    cmd.mandatory("name", ParamType.RawText);
    cmd.overload(["ChangeAction", "name"]);
    cmd.setCallback((_cmd, _ori, out, res) => {
        switch (res.action) {
            case "add":
                return out.success(`add "${}"`);
            case "remove":
                return out.success(`remove "${}"`);
            case "list":
                return out.success(`Name List:`);

Fake Command API

The fake command API here is reserved for downward compatibility. It is recommended to use the true command API written in the above document.


Although it looks relatively simple, fake commands have some important disadvantages, including that they can only be executed by the player or console, other objects (such as command blocks, NPCs, etc.) cannot be executed, all parameter data needs to be parsed by themselves, etc.

Text Only
Please try to use the real command API.

Register a New Player Command (Fake Command)


  • Parameters:
    • cmd : String
      The command that will be registered.
    • description : String
      Command Description Text.
    • callback : Function(player,args)
      When the registered command is executed, the interface automatically calls the callback function.
    • level : Integer
      (Optional parameter) The registration level of the command, the default is 0, that is, everyone can execute it. If the command registration level is set to 1, only the OP can execute this command.
  • Return value: Whether the registration was successful.
  • Return value type: Boolean

Note: The callback function prototype of the parameter callback: function(player, args)

  • player : Player
    The player that executes the command.
  • args : Array<String,String...>
    Arguments following the target command. Divide by spaces to form a string array.
    If a custom command land set is registered, when /land set abc 2333 is executed, the value of args will be [ "abc","2333" ]


mc.regPlayerCmd("fly on", "Turn on the fly mode", function (pl, args) {
    pl.tell("Flying enabled.");

Register a New Background Console Command (Fake Command)


  • Parameters:

    • cmd : String
      The command that will be registered.

    • description : String
      Command Description Text.

    • callback : Function
      When the registered command is executed, the interface automatically calls the callback function.

    • Return value: Whether the registration was successful.
    • Return value type: Boolean

Note: The callback function prototype of the parameter callback: function(args)

  • args : Array<String,String...>
    Arguments following the target command. Divide by spaces to form a string array. If a custom command land set is registered, when /land set abc 2333 is executed, the value of args will be ['abc','2333']


mc.regConsoleCmd("backup", "Start the backup", function (args) {
    log("ID of this backup is:", args[0]);

Instructions on Fake Order Registration

After setting the callback function, the callback function will be called when the fake command you registered is executed.
LLSE will automatically split the command arguments into arrays for you before calling them.

Text Only
Take the JavaScript language as an example:

Execute command
`mc.regPlayerCmd("land buy", "land buy", function(pl,args){ .... }, 0 );`
after that,
This callback function will be called when you use the command `/land buy abcde 12345`.
The parameter args of the callback function is passed in an array: [ "abcde" , "12345" ]
As you can see, the values contained in `args` are **sequentially split** command arguments.
If you have quotes in your command (for example to handle player names with spaces in them), LLSE will also do this when splitting.

The Simulation Produces a Console Command Output


  • Parameters:

    • output : String
      The command output produced by the simulation.
  • Return value: Whether the exection was successful.

  • Return value type: Boolean